How to Fortify Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) Against Cyber Risks

L&A insurers today can’t afford the severe consequences of cybersecurity breaches. However, not all TPAs are created equal. Discover what you should look for from a secure, digital TPA that can protect your data and operations.

How to Fortify Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) Against Cyber Risks

From financial losses and legal penalties to reputation damage and diminished customer trust, L&A insurers must take every measure to protect against cybersecurity threats. And that extends to the outside vendors they rely on – especially TPAs. 

A robust and secure digital TPA platform is no longer a nice to have. But what security features should you look for in a TPA? In our latest how-to guide, we explore the essential factors and optimal methodologies for a resilient TPA platform tailored for BPaaS solutions, including:

  • Why a modern, digital TPA platform is essential to keep your operations secure.
  • The seven guiding principles for an effective security architecture.
  • The right approach to disaster recovery planning for reliable, continuous operations.
  • Critical security practices for implementation.
Sutherland Editorial
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